Charlie here! I helped do all this, with a little help from Schlatt and Boss. The template was made by Solipses, but figuring out how to make a button work on this site was a real ball tickler.

Everyone here is an alder, except Austin, ERR0R, and Gia

Apagenic autibased system! But it was because of hashtag society tearful emoji. My mum was actually the best of help, even before splitting

Araisagenic due to the apagenic yee haw.

Our system's kinda archaic where we all have sort of part-time jobs to fill until we're off the clock. It tends to be that the less human an alter is, the less "traditional" their job is. For example, Anchor is a human news reporter. Gia is, like, a humanoid whose role is comparable to that of a janitor/bodyguard combo. Lue's a wolf whose job is more like a pet or guard dog, though you could basically consider her "retired" from her work now lol. The only exception is Charlie (moui) who doesn't have a job. I'm kinda like CEO, but I don't take control of anything. More so CEO in the sense that the system works primarily for my benefit while I live more like a singlet than anyone else, if that makes sense. When the alters work, they're thinking about it as being apart of a company, AKA the system. I'm basically the unemployed friend going to brunch on a Thursday lmfao.

Very rare, occasional apiconscious and we fucking love it!! It do be a jumpscare, doe.

We have a nice relationship where the alters try not to take over my life. Feel free to ask more about our interpersonal relationships. But be warned, each of us have different interpretations of the situation and even more different ways of explaining it. Maybe you can treat them like Pokémon cards. Collect them all, y'know?

p.s: Please ignore Schlatt's stupid fucking name skull emoji. There was a debate about whether or not he should be allowed to include that but, since it IS the name he goes by, we found it only fair that the others didn't have a right to forbid him from putting it in his bio or whatever. He's actually just doing it to be a pisshead, but it's the good kind of pisshead that we benefit from (most of the time), so it's okay.

Here's a button Another button

Charlie | he/her | 17
OG, the favourite
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Boss | he/she/they/it | Non-Applicable
Councilman, architect, retired archivist
Age forge, anief/anieu/aniem, antemate
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Anchor | he/him | 30+
Announcer, reporter, receptionist, academic, archivist, archaeologist, assistant architect, retired dissociation manager, and proudly overworked innkeeper
Alter info 2
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Lue | she/it | 7 (dog years)
Alterhuman origins
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Gia | she/they/it | 28
Avenger, caretaker, semi-retired gatekeeper (has more authority over Schlatt in the matter)
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ERR0R | he/they/it | [REDACTED]
Anxiety holder
Altive introject
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Austin Fresh | he/it | n/a
Mood lifter
Altive introject
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Toriel | she/her | 150-200
Caretaker, protector, drowser, occasional stand-in gatekeeper
Amalgam introject
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Jayson McEpic Schlattaboy💸he/him💸29-38
Aggressor, avenger, gatekeeper, assistant athlete, former persecutor (but I’m not anymore. whoopee!)
Introject, partial amalgam for the EpicSMP
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